Global Arts and Cultures

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Frances Negrón-Muntaner


Monday, November 6, 2023

20 Washington Place, Ground Floor Gathering Space

Frances Negrón-Muntaner is an award-winning filmmaker, writer, scholar and professor at Columbia University, where she is also the founding curator of the Latino Arts and Activism Archive and the Julian Clarence Levi Professor in the Humanities. Among her books and publications are: Puerto Rican Jam (1997), Boricua Pop: Puerto Ricans and the Latinization of American Culture (CHOICE Award, 2004), The Latino Media Gap (2014), and Sovereign Acts: Contesting Colonialism in Native Nations and Latinx America (2017). She has also contributed articles to The New Yorker, The Washington Post, and Public Books. Negrón-Muntaner has received various recognitions, including the United Nations' Rapid Response Media Mechanism designation as a global expert in the areas of mass media and Latin/o American studies (2008); the Lenfest Distinguished Columbia Faculty Award, (2012), the Latin American Studies Association’s Frank Bonilla Public Intellectual Award (2019), the Premio Borimix from the Society for Educational Arts in New York (2019), and the Bigs & Littles Mentorship Award (2023). Negrón-Muntaner served as director of Columbia’s Center for the Study of Ethnicity and Race from 2009-2016, was co-director of Unpayable Debt, a working group that studied debt regimes in the world, and is currently director of the Greater Caribbean Studies Program at Columbia’s Institute for Latin American Studies. Her most recent films and art works include War for Guam (2015), Life Outside (2016), and Valor y Cambio, an art, digital storytelling and just economy project in Puerto Rico and New York (

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