Upwellings: Epi-stemic field-making in the wake of socio-ecological crisis | A talk by Apollonya Porcelli
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The department of History, Philosophy + the Social Sciences welcomes Apollonya Porcelli, who will present a lecture entitled Upwellings: Epi-stemic field-making in the wake of socio-ecological crisis.
Apollonya Porcelli
Apollonya Porcelli grew up in New England and received her Bachelors' from Cornell University in Natural Resources. Her work at Brown centers on the intersection of science, culture, and politics within Northeastern fisheries management and beyond. Apollonya is in Brown's Open Graduate Education program, which allows her to work on a Masters in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EEB) alongside her PhD in Sociology.