Nature–Culture–Sustainability Studies (2018–23)

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Myles Lennon | Antiracist Praxis for Post-Carbon Energy Transitions after COVID-19: Thinking with Black Lives Matter and against Michael Moore's “Planet of the Humans”

Virtual Lecture

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Myles Lennon, Ph.D is Dean's Assistant Professor of Environment and Society and Anthropology at Brown University. He is an environmental anthropologist and a former sustainable energy policy practitioner. His research explores how rooftop solar, “resiliency” microgrids, and other climate mitigation infrastructures simultaneously reinforce and upend entrenched structures of power as they materialize across long-standing race and class divisions in New York City. His research has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the Wenner-Gren Foundation. His scholarly and teaching interests include the anthropology of energy, environmental intersectionality and the co-production of race and nature, multispecies ethnography, climate justice and environmental justice, science and technology studies, affect theory, and the epistemological politics of climate mitigation efforts. He holds a B.A. in Development Studies from Brown University and a combined Ph.D in Anthropology and Forestry & Environmental Studies from Yale University.